Architect and Lighting Designer

I worked in this project in 2017 while I worked in Torget Arkitekter AB.
Our proposal was located in Uppsala, Sweden. The project created a dense urban environment with 8 residential buildings between five to seven floors with some comercial locals on the ground floors.
The buildings tried to recreate waveforms by using lean-to roofs and asymmetrical gable roofs with nooks leaning in the long run. Their roof was built with simple structures with cold attics for storage facilities and technology.
Bricks were used on the facades of the buildings facing the streets while the buildings inside the recreation area had wooden facades.
The buildings created a screen to the recreation area. At the same time, passages in the recreation area, created connections between the project.
The waste houses were located under artificial hills. Both the waste house and the lighting installation located in the walls of the garage, were used to create a more experiential and qualitative environment in the recreative area.
Towards the Librobäcken park, at the end of every lamella houses, the balconies are similar to extended drawer boxes that are displaced in an irregular order. Those balconies are illuminated during the night in a random way to keep the same idea.